Death Stranding

Death Stranding
Sony Interactive Productions presented a new trailer for Death Stranding, the latest project by renowned Japanese designer Hideo Kojima and his team at Kojima Productions studio, at the stage of his own E3 2018 press conference. While still retaining a mystery of the subject and purpose of the game, this new trailer reveals, for the first time, some Death Stranding gameplay sequences. Norman Reedus, MadsMikkelsen, LéaSeydoux and Lindsay Wagner are part of the game’s distribution, with facial scans, vocal performances, along with director Guillermo del Toro, who helped to resemble another character by scanning the face and body. With a celebrity distribution, Death Stranding is a unique and unforgettable game. Hideo Kojima has been uniquely associated for many years with the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Kojima has defined most of the details of games that have made waves over the past two decades on a huge variety of platforms. Later he broke any connection with Konami, the publisher of the MGS series; the last project he was dealing with was Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain. As relations between the two parties ended in a hurry, Kojima could not be present in 2015 at The Game Awards to raise his prize. However, the details then do not matter. It is important that Hideo Kojima has started collaborating with director Guillermo del Toro and this partnership is called Death Stranding. The story of the game is quite complicated, a deadly and deadly world in which death is hidden everywhere, and the first frame is extremely macabre and grotesque. Sources of inspiration are quite a lot and do not facilitate our psychological comfort. The characters wear costumes for astronauts who have some babies in some kind of semi-transparent capsules. Big cocks, strange phenomena, unexplained things, all seem to be in place in this game where you do not know if you only have to survive or do more than that, and when the main character, called Sam dies, another world, a world with its head down in the water. So the game talks about the player’s ability to interact with the environment, to travel outside the character’s body, but also to recover objects when they die. The first Death Stranding trailer runs in real time on the PS4, which is quite impressive in terms of detailed capture of the movement and the displayed environments. We do not know when it will be launched, but Hideo Kojima has confirmed that this must happen before the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. So Death Stranding seems to contain all the ingredients of a game that keeps you in the chair for a long time of time.